Gradings are the opportunity to gain a new belt. They consist of multiple activities including:
- Shadow work
- Padwork routines
- Kickshield routines
- Technical grading sets
As we are members of the Derbyshire Kickboxing area of the PKA we attend those grading sessions. We normally run 3-4 gradings a year and then tend to be mainly held at Belper Leisure Centre.
The PKA grading system includes the belts in the following order:
- Red
- Yellow
- Orange
- Green
- Blue
- Purple
- Brown
- Black (1st – 3rd dan via grading, 4th dan & higher awarded by PKA Princpal, Mr Mike Haig)
Gradings 2023
Upcoming gradings:
Sunday 5th November 2023 – Belper Leisure Centre